Sunday, April 5, 2009


I've decided that guys are just confusing.... Well ok not all guys just one guy but that doesn't matter right now! Don't you dare rain on my parade buddy let me continue my little rant! So I'm getting yelled at for something that happened a year ago! It's like one thing was mentioned today about blowjobs while sleeping and if it was possible or not and now I'm being chastised for a decision I made more than a year ago now. Yet, he can make a similar mistake and get away with it and I have no reason to feel hurt? It's just crazy, crazy and it's times like this when I'm like, why do I bother continuing trying to be your friend? And then I realize that it's because you're my Chris and i'm your lorelai... Yes I made a Gilmore Girls reference! Do you have a problem with that? Or your my last person was my Dean and you're my Jess. Either way it's a relationship that's so hard to explain that sometimes I want to scream! Which now makes me think of highschool musical 3, great... Now I wan't to find a gun on top of that. Which reminds me, being on top would be a lot of work. I was thinking, the work could be worth it depending on your position but wrong position and your getting a full work out while the other person does nothing. That's injustice! Injustice i tell you! Someone should look into changing that somehow maybe a new machine? I feel a new robotics competition coming on, where they can design those awesome machines that would help gynecologists practice their love all around America!

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