Favorite Musical Genre? Musicals or Alternapop
Favorite Band? The Cab, A Change of Pace, Millionaires, Every Avenue or Nevershoutnever!
Favorite Solo Artist? Luther Vandross, Stevie Wonder, Eric Hutchinson or Whitney Houston
Favorite Instrument? Guitar
What instruments can you play? I used to be able to play the violin but not anymore, and I'm trying to learn the guitar
Can you Sing? Not very well, but you know in my shower I can because in my shower I can do anything
Are you in a band? No but I'd date someone who was
Do you write songs? If so about what? I attempt to and about anything I'm feeling really
What was the last song you listened to? Hallie's Song by Eminem
What was the last cd you bought? Fire Away by Jennifer Hung
What was the last song you put on your ipod? Idk and it won't show on my itunes so that'll remain a mystery oh wait Fuck You by Lilly Allen
What was the last song you heard on the radio? Jesse's Girl
What was the first cd you bought? A sailor moon cd at the best record store in Atlanta, that just shut down.
What is your favorite musical? Rent or Wicked
What is your favorite theme song for a TV show? How Do I Look
What song describes you? Thank You For the Music by Abba because I don't know what I would do without my tunes baby.
What song describes you and your best friend? Emo Kid
What song describes your relationship or lack of? What's Love Got to Do With It? by Tina Turner
Cool, we have the same background!
How are you, friend?
tired as hell. I just got back from a regional jack and jill conference and now I have to make up all the homework I missed :(
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